Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Just Say WoW

Today, I have learned how to share a file with you. It took me a while to figure it out till I got aid from Deborah. I was in conflict to whether to upload it or not.
Now I become expert and I can upload many useful files that are prepared for the technology lessons.
Enjoy it!!


  1. Dear Maha
    I can’t say just that I admired your new thoughts and activities and the way you apply them [don’t worry; it is wonderful and fit the situation!]. I hope to learn more from you. We like to make our learning- teaching environments in Iraq to come up with those in the world.

  2. Dear Huda,
    Thanx for your feedback. In fact, this is the way we design our lessons for the ELC in particular. Still, we are in the process of learning. Essential to mention that the Israeli Educational system is so demanding and we pass lots of enrichment courses to follow up the world's technological advancement.
    Hope you find what I posted useful and usable in your classes.

  3. Great graphic! This is certainly a good choice for English teachers.

    Thank you for sharing your lesson plans and other material so generously on our class wiki!


  4. Dear Maha:
    You know that your Shakespear's "To blog or not to blog, that's the question" is the nicest thing I've ever seen in this nice course. I really liked it coz I hardly did blog.
    Keep on the good work.

  5. Dear Maha,

    WOW! (I couldn't resist!) Very funny graphic. It has obviously resonated with your blog readers. It's interesting how a little humor can go a long way in sparking conversation. ;-)

    Nice to see that your expertise is growing.

    Where do you go to find your graphics?

    All the best from Oregon,
